Issued by

City of Coburg
Community Youth Work
Sören Foerster-Wagner
Steingasse 18
96450 Coburg

Phone: 09561/89-1568

District of Coburg
Community Youth Work
Susanne Lange
Lauterer Straße 60
96450 Coburg

Phone: 09561/514-2203


Responsible in accordance with Section 5 of the German Telemedia act (TMG):

City of Coburg
Department of digitization and communication
Louay Yassin
Markt 1
96450 Coburg

Phone: 09561/89-1170

The Town of Coburg is a legal entity under public law.
It is represented by the Lord Mayor Dominik Sauerteig.

Sales tax ID: DE132462698


We would like to thank all of our partners for their cooperation. Each service provider is responsible for the content and implementation of the individual offers. Unfortunately, we can accept no liability for any errors or postponements.


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